Group therapy

Group therapy is a powerful and collaborative approach to healing and personal growth. Discover how it works and the benefits it can offer on your journey to well-being.

Groups include:

Virtual Village for Parents Support Group: A 6 week course connecting new parents with babies ages 0-12months.

Tourette and Tic Support Group for Teens : A 6 week support group connecting teens with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders

SheConnects: Connection for Powerful Women: An ongoing group. SheConnects: Women's Virtual Supportive Connection Group is a safe haven for women seeking authentic connections and empowering relationships. Join us in the journey of self-discovery, mutual support, and the uplifting spirit of SheConnects.

SPACE Treatment: Supporting Parents of Anxious Children

Group cost is $70/session. Superbills provided. Reach out today to learn more.